
AbstractA weak planetary vorticity gradient and weak density stratification in the northern North Atlantic and Nordic seas lead to time-mean currents that are strongly guided by bottom topography. The topographic steering sets up distinct boundary currents with strong property fronts that are prone to both baroclinic and barotropic instability. These instability processes generate a macroturbulent eddy field that spreads buoyancy and other tracers out from the boundary currents and into the deep basins. In this paper we investigate the particular role played by baroclinic instability in generating the observed eddy field, comparing predictions from linear stability calculations with diagnostics from a nonlinear eddy-permitting ocean model hindcast. We also look into how the bottom topography impacts instability itself. The calculations suggest that baroclinic instability is a consistent source of the eddy field but that topographic potential vorticity gradients impact unstable growth significantly. We also observe systematic topographic effects on finite-amplitude eddy characteristics, including a general suppression of length scales over the continental slopes. Investigation of the vertical structure of unstable modes reveal that Eady theory, even when modified to account for a bottom slope, is unfit as a lowest-order model for the dynamics taking place in these ocean regions.

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