
When a rotating fluid over sloping topography is heated from below and/or cooled from above, horizontal temperature gradients develop which drive convection cells aligned with isobaths. We refer to these cells as topographic Hadley cells. Laboratory experiments reveal that sinking occurs in small cyclonic vortices situated in relatively shallow regions. This is balanced by slower upwelling in adjacent deeper regions. The cross-isobath motions which connect the upwelling and downwelling are accelerated by Coriolis forces, resulting in strong jets which follow isobathic contours. For anticlockwise rotation, the surface jets keep the shallows to their left when looking in the direction of flow, which is opposite to both Kelvin and Rossby wave propagation. The width of the jets scales with the Rossby deformation radius and if this is much less than the width of the slope region then a number of parallel jets form. Motions on the deeper side of the jets where the flow is accelerating are adequately described by linear inviscid theory. However, the strong shears generated by this acceleration lead to baroclinic instability. The resulting cross-stream momentum fluxes broaden and flatten the velocity profile, allowing the flow on the shallow side of the jet to decelerate smoothly before sinking. Topographic Hadley cells are dynamically similar to terrestrial atmospheric Hadley cells and may also be relevant to the zonal jet motions observed on Jupiter and Saturn. It is also suggested that in coastal seas they may represent an important mode of heat (or salt) transfer where surface cooling (or evaporation) drives convection.

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