
With the continued proliferation of mobile Internet and geo-locating technologies, carpooling as a green transport mode is widely accepted and becoming tremendously popular worldwide. In this paper, we focus on a popular carpooling service called ride hitching, which is typically implemented using a publish/subscribe approach. In a ride hitching service, drivers subscribe the ride orders published by riders and continuously receive the matching ride orders until one is picked. The current systems (e.g., Didi Hitch) adopt a threshold-based approach to filter ride orders. That is, a new ride order will be sent to all subscribing drivers whose planned trips can match the ride order within a pre-defined detour threshold. A limitation of this approach is that it is difficult for drivers to specify a reasonable detour threshold in practice. In addressing this problem, we propose a novel type of top-k subscription queries called Top-k Ride Subscription (TkRS) query, which continuously returns to drivers the best k ride orders that match their trip plans. We propose two efficient algorithms to enable the top-k result maintenance. Finally, extensive experiments on real-life datasets suggest that our proposed algorithms are capable of achieving desirable performance in practical settings.

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