
Objective. The goal of this study was to report the effectiveness of topiramate in treating status epilepticus. Methods. Three patients with status epilepticus were treated with topiramate 500 mg twice daily for 2–5 days, with the dose gradually tapered thereafter to 200 mg twice daily. The patients’ clinical status and EEG recordings were followed. Results. Patient 1 was admitted for subacute encephalopathy that was complicated by secondarily generalized status epilepticus resistant to lorazepam, fosphenytoin, and pentobarbital coma. Topiramate was added and, 2 days later, pentobarbital was tapered with no recurrence of ictal discharges as the patient improved clinically. Patient 2 had end-stage liver disease and was hospitalized for peritonitis, and his course was complicated by partial status epilepticus. Topiramate was started and, 2 days later, his mental status improved as repeat EEG showed no further ictal discharges although periodic epileptiform discharges were seen in the left centroparietal area. The patient later died from complications of variceal bleeding. Patient 3 suffered cardiopulmonary arrest, and developed postanoxic seizures, which did not respond to lorazepam, fosphenytoin, valproate, and propofol coma as continuous EEG recordings showed recurrent generalized ictal discharges. Two days after topiramate was started, propofol was tapered and discontinued and EEG showed generalized slow wave activity and no ictal discharges. The patient was discharged to another facility 12 days later. Conclusions. Topiramate was effective in treating two patients with refractory generalized status epilepticus and one with complex partial status epilepticus. It should therefore be considered as an option in these situations, especially when other medications cannot be used.

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