
Ukraine is currently undergoing the most severe period in modern history. In this sense, a very important task for the authorities and society is to establish interaction with the civil society of European countries, to strengthen relations with the people of the Balkan Peninsula, with whom Ukrainians are connected by common spiritual and cultural heritage. the descendants of immigrants from Ukrainian lands – Ukrainians and Ruthenians – have been living on the territory of Croatia and Serbia for several centuries. In addition to historical, cultural and political interests, this article has a journalistic scientific interest, because the official periodicals of the Croatian Ruthenians («Nova Dumka») and the Serbian Ukrainians («Ridne Slovo») for the years 2021-2022 are subject to analysis. The analysis of the implementation of the state policy towards the Balkan Ruthenians and Ukrainians based on the research of the periodicals can be useful for the political circles of Ukraine. Studying the cultural activities of representatives of the Ukrainian diaspora in the countries of the former Yugoslavia, scientists also paid some attention to periodicals. At the same time, the recent events in Ukraine that shook the whole world, for obvious reasons, have not yet come into the focus of such scientists. This article is based on the study of the topics and issues of the periodicals «Nova Dumka» and «Ridne Slovo». Genre features were also investigated. A comparative analysis of journalistic tools used by editors and contributors was conducted. The results of the study allow us to draw conclusions about a certain similarity in the construction of periodicals, the coincidence of genre preferences of the authors. The Ruthenian and Ukrainian periodicals also share an interest in such topics as the government’s activities in the field of national minorities, cultural events, the spiritual life of ethnic groups, and the historical memory of Ruthenians and Ukrainians. At the same time, the painful consequences of the war in the Balkans, which took place at the end of the 20th century, were most vividly reflected in the publications in «Nova Dumka». Both periodicals are interested in Ukrainian topics. A sharp surge in the number of relevant publications took place after the beginning of the full-scale invasion of Russia on the territory of Ukraine. Support for Ukraine, sympathy and readiness to help Ukrainian refugees became the leitmotif of publications in «Nova Dumka» and Ridne Slovo» in the winter and spring of 2022. The results achieved during the research allow us to assess the specifics of modern european periodicals, to learn about the peculiarities of the internal politics of the Balkan states, and to draw conclusions about the problems and social attitudes of Ruthenians and Ukrainians in Eastern Europe.

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