
Identification of the most impactful articles, authors, institutions, countries, and journals in myopia management provides a useful baseline reference for clinicians, researchers, and funding agencies in respect of this emerging field.This work aims to assemble publication metrics for myopia management to identify the most impactful articles, authors, institutions, countries, and journals in this emerging field of research. A search of the titles of articles was undertaken on the Scopus database to identify myopia management-related articles. The 25 most highly cited articles were determined from the total list of 1064 articles found. Rank-order lists by count were assembled for the top 25 in each of four categories: authors, institutions, countries, and journals. A subject-specific myopia management-related h-index (hMM-index) was derived for the entire field, in addition to each of the four categories, to serve as measures of impact in the field. Top 15 lists were generated for each category ranked by hMM-index and tabulated for consideration. An article by Christine Wildsoet and colleagues, describing choroidal and scleral mechanisms of compensation for spectacle lenses in chicks, has generated the most citations (412); Earl Smith is the most impactful author (hMM = 19); the University of Houston produces the most impactful articles (hMM = 31); the United States is the most highly ranked country (hMM = 60); and Optometry and Vision Science is the most impactful journal. Although still in its infancy, myopia management is a topic of emerging interest in the clinical and scientific ophthalmic literature. Impactful authors, institutions, countries, and journals are identified. Optometry is revealed as the leading profession in relation to the publication of myopia management-related articles.

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