
The article provides interpretation for the concepts of “ethics”, “professional ethics”, “forensic expert professional ethics”, as well as their main components are distinguished. The main stages of formation of ethics as a branch of knowledge are outlined, concise information on scientists who became founders of ethics as a science and made a significant contribution to the process of its origin, formation and development, is provided. Complex issues of ethics principles application in professional activity, formation of forensic expert professional ethics are provided. Scientists who outlined main parameters of a forensic expert personality, his moral qualities, are listed. The list of criteria required for forensic expert successful professional activities is presented. The necessity of creating a unified Code of Professional Ethics for a forensic expert was substantiated since the professional ethics of a forensic expert, according to the author, has many components: this is, on the one hand, the official ethics (ethical requirements contained in legal norms, in particular, in the provisions of the Law of Ukraine: “On Judicial Examination”), corporate ethics (business ethics)(in collective agreements, internal regulations are outlined, basic moral qualities that a person who holds the position of forensic expert should possess are presented) and traditional ethics, which basic principles are introduced on the basis of scientific achievements of theoreticians.
 As for creation of a unified, standardized Code of Professional Ethics for a forensic expert, the problem remains unresolved for both scientists and legislators as it requires their cohesive and fruitful cooperation, since such code needs to be thoroughly developed by scientists in the field of ethics, forensic experts and lawyers. The issue as to creation of the Code is relevant since the profession of forensic expert in connection with increasing openness of court proceedings becomes public, and therefore needs to be regulated by rules of conduct for a forensict expert while his official duties fulfillment.


  • Сократ був теоретиком і проповідником моралі — одного з основних понять в етиці, розглядаючи його крізь призму вчення про знання людських чеснот і вважаючи його спільним підґрунтям для всіх моральних якостей

  • Питання створення Кодексу нині є затребуваним та актуальним, оскільки професія судового експерта (через більшу відкритість судового процесу) набуває публічності й вимагає регламентування норм його поведінки під час виконання службових обов’язків

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Ключові слова: особистість, етика, мораль, чеснота, професійна ети­ ка, судовий експерт, Кодекс професійної етики судового експерта. Проблема створення уніфікованого Кодексу професійної етики судового експерта є актуальною, оскільки ця професія стає дедалі більш публічною та затребуваною, отже — потребує не тільки спеціальних знань, а й дотримання певної моделі поведінки й комунікаційних умінь.

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