
At the present stage of society development, the topical issues are changing the standards of economic relations and accelerating the development of the digital economy. The mechanisms for the implementation of banking payment systems are undergoing significant changes. In a number of states, pilot projects for the emission of digital state currencies are now in test mode. Experts are studying the problems of issuing digital money, and macroeconomic regulators are beginning to evaluate both positive expectations and negative results of using digital and information technologies when creating a new type of funds. It was concluded that the release of e-hryvnia into circulation, on the one hand, will make it possible to speed up and simplify the transfer of funds between the owners of electronic wallets, to increase the level of comfort in carrying out these operations, however, on the other hand, an increase in the number of cybercrimes should be expected, especially considering the lack of proper regulation of special legislative framework. The development of the national digital currency is a natural result of the digital society development, the growing influence of social platforms as well as the state's policy on creating a digital economy. One of the significant positive consequences of the development and implementation of the digital hryvnia is a decrease in the number of intermediaries in the implementation of cash payments, up to the complete exclusion of banking structures responsible for the transfer and processing of personal data, which leads to a decrease in costs, as well as to an increase in the speed of funds transfers, stabilization of the entire financial system and economic security of the country as a whole. The introduction of the concept of e-hryvnia will contribute to the formation of a highly developed technological society in Ukraine, as well as to the financial and technological integration of the general population. Cash tokenization is the next phase of digital transformation.

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