
Tenia corporis is still a very comlnon disease aTong Iraqi people with so many systernic and topical treatment. To evaluate the thelapeutic efica.y or rin. sulpliate ,otution i' the treatment of tenia corporis. Fofty five patients compleied the t,"Jv irr-iir*it teaching hospital, patients were divided in to two groups; Gioup A: thirty patients treated with topical zinc sulphate 20Yo Solution appliedlwice daily ior two weeks, Group B: fifteen patients treated witil topical distill r"uti. and used as a control group. All pa:tients were exatlined clinically atrd tnicrobiologically before treatment and after the 1rt*..[;;J t;; of tleatment. Group A, patients showed a clinical .ut. urt.r ll[-l;;;k of treatment rvhile tlie nricrobiological cure obtained after the 2"d *".k of treatment, a'd only few patients colnplained of rnild initation inthe.first few days of treatnient. croupn padents didrr't sliow neitlter clinical nor microbiological .ur.. So topical 20%o zinc sulphate solutiou is effective in the tt'eatment of tenia cJrporis with negligibie side eff'ects.

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