
The advent of Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA) has brought a fundamental shift in the way in which distributed applications are implemented. An overwhelming number of Web-based services (e.g., APIs and Mashups) have leveraged this shift and furthered development. Applications designed with SOA principles are typically characterized by frequent dependencies with one another in the form of heterogeneous networks, i.e., annotation relations between tags and services, and composition relations between Mashups and APIs. Although prior work has shown the utility gained by exploring these networks, their analysis is still in its infancy. This article develops an approach to learning representations of the Web service network, which seeks to embed Web services in low-dimensional continuous vectors with preserved information of the network structure, functional tags, and service descriptions, such that services with similar functional properties and network structures are mapped together in the learned latent space. We first propose a topic generative model for constructing two topic distribution networks (Mashup-Topic and API-Topic) from the service content. Then, we present an efficient optimization process to derive low-dimensional vector representations of Web services from a tri-layer bipartite network with the Mashup-Topic and API-Topic networks on two ends and the Mashup-API composition network in the middle. Experiments on real-word datasets have verified that our approach is effective to learn robust low-rank service representations, i.e., 25% F1-measure gain over the state-of-the-art in Web service recommendation task.

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