
本文结合东软特色的TOPCARES-CDIO工程教育理念,针对软件工程专业软件测试方向实践教学体系进行了积极的探索,提出构建以一级项目贯穿的实践教学体系。该实践教学体系充分考虑了各级能力指标的考核要求,设置了三级、二级和一级项目,提升学生工程实践能力。文中结合本专业方向核心课程《自动化测试工具》三级项目的教学实践,对本专业方向实践教学体系的教学模式和考核方法进行了介绍,并对本专业方向开展校企合作、共建实训平台的实践进行了分析和展望。 In this paper, we take active exploration on the reform of practical teaching system for software testing majors, according to the NEUSOFT-featured TOPCARES-CDIO engineering education philosophy. We proposed to construct a first-level project based practical teaching system, which takes full account at all levels of ability index assessment requirements, and three levels projects are set to enhance the ability of students to engineering practice. We also introduced the teaching mode and accessing methods used in the newly-constructed practical teaching system, taking the teaching practice of the third level project of the core course “Automatic Testing Tools” as an example. We made analysis on school-enterprise cooperation and training platform constructing practice, and discussed the outlook of the school-enterprise cooperation activities.

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