
Abstract Although considered a key functional trait, little is known about how zooplankton feeding mode affects top‐down regulation of phytoplankton communities. Indeed, copepods are expected to promote the dominance of toxic phytoplankton by selective removal of their edible competitors; however, empirical evidence comparing the effect among calanoid and cyclopoid copepods is lacking. We compared the top‐down effects of two copepods with contrasting feeding modes—the calanoid Notodiaptomus iheringi (current feeder) and the cyclopoid Thermocyclops decipiens (ambush feeder) — on the relative and absolute biomass of the filamentous cyanobacterium Raphidiopsis raciborskii co‐cultured with the nutritious eukaryotic phytoplankton Cryptomonas obovata in a week‐long laboratory assay. The current feeder had a stronger top‐down effect on the biomass of both prey throughout the experiment, with mass‐specific clearance rates 3–5× higher than ambush feeder. By the end of the experiment, the current feeder significantly reduced cyanobacteria biomass compared to controls while the ambush feeder did not. During the week‐long experiment, the current feeder switched from grazing on edible prey to cyanobacteria as the former became less abundant. Contrary to expectation, neither of the copepod species promoted cyanobacterial dominance by the end of the experiment. This is because both grazers, but especially the current feeder, initially increased but subsequently decreased the relative contribution of cyanobacteria to total phytoplankton biomass. Moreover, both copepods decreased the length of cyanobacteria filaments by c. 70% Current feeders can switch from edible prey to cyanobacteria when the abundance of shortened filaments surpasses the abundance of edible prey. While top‐down regulation of phytoplankton can be stronger for current feeding copepods, ambush feeding copepods can have a significant role during blooms by shortening cyanobacterial filaments. Hence, the broader role of contrasting copepod feeding traits on phytoplankton communities merits further study.

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