
Tooth enamel dosimetry, based on electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) spectroscopy, is recognized as a powerful method for individual retrospective dose assessment. The method is mainly used for individual dose reconstruction in the epidemiological studies aimed at the radiation risk analysis. The study of the sensitivity of tooth enamel as a function of radiation quality is one of the main goals of the research in this field. In the present work, tooth enamel dose response in a monoenergetic neutron flux of 2.8 MeV, generated by the D–D reaction, was studied for in air and in phantom irradiations of enamel samples and of whole teeth. EPR measurements were complemented by Monte Carlo calculation and by gamma dose discrimination obtained with thermoluminescent and Geiger–Muller tube measurements. The 2.8 MeV neutrons to 60 Co relative sensitivity was 0.33±0.08.

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