
The Health Act (2008) Code of Practice on the Prevention and Control of Infections and Related Guidance provides a legal statutory requirement to which all hospital trusts in England should abide to ensure the safety of patients and healthcare workers. There are similar laws in both Scotland and Wales. Prevention and control of healthcare- associated infections (HCAI) remains integral to provide safe, quality patient care and requires an effective management team to implement the Act. In July 2015, a revised Code of Practice was introduced for the prevention and control of HCAI. The Code of Practice is also referred to as the ‘Hygiene Code’ and is regulated by the Care Quality Commission (CQC). A requirement of this Act is that the board of directors receive an annual report from the Director of Infection Prevention & Control (DIPC), with acknowledgement of the report and approval of a proposed programme of delivery prior to public release and implementation. All trusts must register with the CQC, whose role is to regulate and inspect care services in the public, private, and voluntary sectors in England. Part of the CQC assessment against the Act includes Outcome 8: Cleanliness and Infection Control. Under this outcome the trust is required to demonstrate compliance. The DIPC within an organization will assume responsibility to provide assurances that criteria are met by ensuring regular committee meetings to discuss compliance with standards, monitoring of trends, and provide strategies to reduce HCAI. The trust has to be made accountable for any infection control issues for their staff and patients and have evidence of a clear framework to provide assurances that safety has been met. The IPC Team will implement a plan across their trust that requires quarterly and annual reports to ensure implementation and remedial actions listed and acted on as appropriate. A care bundle is a set of evidence-based interventions that are grouped together to ensure that patients receive optimal management consistently. Ideally, each part of the bundle should be based on evidence from at least one systematic review composed of multiple randomized control trials. Care bundles have been implemented in England since June 2005.

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