
Cats are one of the most common companion animals in the world. However, relatively little scientific research has been conducted on cat behavior. With problem behaviors a leading reason for relinquishment of cats to shelters, or abandonment outdoors, solutions to address feline behavioral problems can have important welfare benefits. Because naturally occurring pheromones produce measurable species-specific responses in cats, the use of synthetic pheromone products consisting of the same compounds may activate a specific behavioral response in the receiving individual, allowing humans to better communicate with cats and manage feline problem behavior. In this article the scientific background for naturally occurring feline pheromones and semiochemicals and their impact on cat behavior is reviewed. This is used as a foundation to explore the three feline synthetic pheromones currently available and the empirical evidence that exists for their effectiveness. From this information, several recommendations for veterinarians and behavior professionals on the application of feline pheromone therapy in the home and veterinary clinic setting are presented. The efficacy of synthetic pheromones as a tool for the management of problem behaviors is a relatively new area of research and only fairly recently has the need to implement more rigorous research methodology been recognized.

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