
Modeling goal dependencies among people and systems contributes to exploring the systems valuable to the people. Therefore, guiding such modeling processes is useful for the system development. Because there is no predefined process model of good goal dependency modeling, we have to clarify the characteristics of actual modeling processes for a start. In this paper, we introduce the tools for logging and analyzing goal dependency modeling. We also report a case study to use the tools so as to find common characteristics of the modeling processes. We expect such tools help us to find how to guide a modeling process. The logging tool is developed by expanding an existing modeling tool called astah. Each developer can thus easily record the logs with his/her familiar modeling tool. The analyzing tools finally visualize each modeling process in several ways by using Graphvis. We can observe the development process, and analyze the common characteristics with the help of these tools. Although we cannot find the unknown and unique characteristics, we can confirm some reasonable characteristics. For example, the ratio of transitions between goals and other elements is larger than the other ratio.

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