
According to the European Water Framework Directive (EWFD) the baseline analysis comprising characterization of water bodies, review of human impact and economic analyses of water use had to be finalized by the end of 2004. The EWFD emphasizes that the river basin management comprises surface water and groundwater, thus there is a strong need for integration of quantitative and qualitative aspects of surface waters and groundwater bodies within the hydrological cycle. To facilitate the accession process of Lithuania in relation to implementation of the EWFD a number of supporting modeling tools for river basin management were implemented. In Lithuania groundwater in particular has high priority, as it is the prime source of potable water supply. Thus tools for the integrated surface water and groundwater interaction has top priority in Lithuania. The main objective of this paper is to demonstrate the advantages of integrating mathematical models in the EWFD implementation process. The paper therefore comprises a presentation of the selected tools with particular focus on model set-up and results in compliance with the EWFD.

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