
Introduction. Staff plays an important role in the success of any business. The personnel component requires due at-tention in the system of its management, in particular in the implementation of measures to improve the professional level, development, self-improvement of staff. Proper motivation of highly qualified employees is the key to increasing the compet-itiveness of the enterprise. The purpose of research is to develop tools for functional training of management staff in the management of the or-ganization. Results. The current situation on the labor market is described. The types of personal development of the personnel of enterprises (organizations) are given. The essence and role of modern methods of staff training (case studies, trainings, be-havioral modeling method, storytelling, action training, basket method, tracking, coaching, master class) are substantiated. The necessary conditions for the introduction of staff training methods in the functional training process of personnel man-agement are described. The decomposition of potential capabilities of the management staff of the enterprise (organization) is offered. The essence of professional competence is determined. The basic components of the personnel development technolo-gy are highlighted. The world experience of ensuring the effective operation of the enterprise in terms of working with staff is studied. The list of problems is summarized in the system of training, retraining and advanced training. The expediency of introduction of personnel management strategy and strategy of continuous personnel training is substantiated in the practice of enterprises. The concept of "staff development" is defined from the standpoint of the process approach and its components are identified. The role of the service responsible for personnel development management at the enterprise is described. Conclusions. The necessity to manage personnel development is proved from the standpoint of the needs of the en-terprise and the employee. It is substantiated that the acceleration of the production modernization pace requires constant updating of skills, knowledge and qualifications of staff in order to ensure its development and successful operation of the enterprise. Key words: personnel, tools, functional training, management, methods of personnel training, enterprise, organiza-tion.

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