
Background: Teaching veterinary osteology and arthrology has been performed with free bones collected from various animals after processing and preserving them for long duration. The profession of teaching Anatomy to undergraduate and postgraduate students in veterinary colleges not only requires the knowledge on Veterinary Gross Anatomy but also the methods of preparation of specimen for laboratory use. This article explains the methods and steps in preparation of coloured skulls, bones of forelimb, hindlimb, rib cage, digits and whole mounted skeletons, to be used in the anatomy laboratory to increase the efficiency of both teaching and learning. Methods: A carcass of adult horse donated by a farmer was utilized for making complete coloured skeleton. The bones were collected from the carcass by natural maceration technique followed by cleaning with mild chemicals. The metallic paints and commonly available tools were used for colouring and mounting of horse skeleton. The parts of bones viz. process, fossa, articular area, foramen, the origin and insertion of various muscles were prepared with colours and labels on the surfaces of bones for teaching and museum purpose. The sequential step by step procedure for skeleton preparation in quickest possible time was standardized and explained using various tools. Result: The natural maceration in open water tank was found to be most effective way of maceration of carcasses for collection of bones with their normal colour. The bones were processed mainly with washing soap powder and calcium carbonate followed by drying in natural sunlight which increased the brightness of the bone without any damage to the structure. The coloured skulls, bones of forelimb, hindlimb, rib cage, digits and whole mounted skeletons were prepared with available tools and chemical as this work consumes less time and cost and increases the students’ learning efficiency, which will also be an asset and center of attraction for any Institution.

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