
The impact of dopamine on adaptive behavior in a naturalistic environment is largely unexamined. Experimental work suggests that phasic dopamine is central to reinforcement learning whereas tonic dopamine may modulate performance without altering learning per se; however, this idea has not been developed formally or integrated with computational models of dopamine function. We quantitatively evaluate the role of tonic dopamine in these functions by studying the behavior of hyperdopaminergic DAT knockdown mice in an instrumental task in a semi-naturalistic homecage environment. In this “closed economy” paradigm, subjects earn all of their food by pressing either of two levers, but the relative cost for food on each lever shifts frequently. Compared to wild-type mice, hyperdopaminergic mice allocate more lever presses on high-cost levers, thus working harder to earn a given amount of food and maintain their body weight. However, both groups show a similarly quick reaction to shifts in lever cost, suggesting that the hyperdominergic mice are not slower at detecting changes, as with a learning deficit. We fit the lever choice data using reinforcement learning models to assess the distinction between acquisition and expression the models formalize. In these analyses, hyperdopaminergic mice displayed normal learning from recent reward history but diminished capacity to exploit this learning: a reduced coupling between choice and reward history. These data suggest that dopamine modulates the degree to which prior learning biases action selection and consequently alters the expression of learned, motivated behavior.


  • Fitting the data to a reinforcement learning model, we find that altered dopamine modulates temperature – the explore-exploit parameter – resulting in decreased responsiveness to recent reward, without a change in learning rate, resulting in diminished behavioral flexibility in response to shifting environmental contingencies

  • Wild-type and dopamine-transporter knock down mice (DATkd) exhibit similar behavior when the cost of both levers is low To assess for potential non-task related differences between the groups, baseline behavior was assessed during periods in which both levers yielded reward on a low-cost, FR20 schedule

  • Though dopamine has been studied for decades, its impact on adaptive behavior in complex, naturalistic environments can difficult to infer in the absence of paradigms designed to examine adaptation to environmental conditions

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The dopamine system plays a critical role in learning about rewards and performing behaviors that yield them (Berke and Hyman, 2000; Dayan and Balleine, 2002; Wise, 2004; Cagniard et al, 2006b; Daw and Doya, 2006; Salamone, 2006; Berridge, 2007; Day et al, 2007; Phillips et al, 2007; Schultz, 2007a; Belin and Everitt, 2008). Despite the ongoing debate on the precise role of dopamine in learning, motivation, and performance (Wise, 2004; Salamone, 2006; Berridge, 2007), the impact of hypothesized dopamine functions on adaptive behavior in a more (semi-) naturalistic environment is largely unexamined. The animal must strike a balance between exploiting actions that have been previously rewarded and exploring previously disfavored actions to determine whether contingencies have changed. In the study of reinforcement learning (RL), the challenge of striking such a balance has been termed the explore-exploit dilemma, and formalizes an issue that lies at the heart of behavioral flexibility and adaptive learning (Sutton and Barto, 1998)

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