
In a tomographic approach, we measure the cross-correlation between the CMB lensing reconstructed from the Planck satellite and the galaxies of the photometric redshift catalogue based on the combination of the South Galactic Cap u-band Sky Survey (SCUSS), Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS), and Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer (WISE) data. We perform the analyses considering six redshift bins spanning the range of 0.1 <z<0.7. From the estimates of the galaxy-galaxy and galaxy-CMB lensing power spectrum, we derive the galaxy bias and the amplitude of the cross-correlation for each redshift bin. We have finally applied these tomographic measurements to estimate the linear structure growth using the bias-independent D̂G estimator introduced by [1]. We find that the amplitude of the structure growth with respect to the fiducial cosmology is AD=1.16±0.13, closely consistent with the predictions of the ΛCDM model (ADΛ CDM=1). We perform several tests for consistency of our results, finding no significant evidence for systematic effects.

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