
Three field experiments, each for a 2-yr duration, were initiated to evaluate the efficacy of TCA (trichloroacetic acid) and dalapon (2,2 - dichloropropionic acid), alone or in combination, for the selective control of alsike clover (Trifolium hybridum L.) and red clover (T. pratense L.) during the establishment of birdsfoot trefoil (Lotus corniculatus L.). TCA at 6.7 kg/ha gave 95% control of alsike control. TCA at 13.5 kg/ha gave 92% control of red clover and the combination treatment of 6.7 kg/ha of TCA plus 9.0 kg/ha of dalapon gave 95% control of red clover. Birdsfoot trefoil tolerated TCA and dalapon alone or in combination.

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