
We assessed the tolerance, safety margins, and behavioral responses to extreme conditions of the mangrove fiddler crab Leptuca speciosa during a heatwave event (May of 2022), in the Yucatán Peninsula, Mexico. In the field, L. speciosa demonstrated aggregation behavior, congregating in areas that were above the water level to escape the extreme water conditions. In the laboratory, we determined that the upper critical thermal limits (UT99) ranged from 40.2 °C and 42 °C. For salinity, the lethal concentration was LC99 = 39 psu. Our study showed that L. speciosa, one of the most conspicuous and resilient inhabitants of mangroves, had no safety margin and low tolerance to the climatic conditions as measured in the heatwave, and displayed a protective behavior. Considering that the frequency and intensity of heatwaves have been predicted to increase in the next few years, the combined multiple stressors effect may increase the vulnerability of mangrove organisms.

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