
Nine males infants in their final stage of recovery from marasmic malnutrition, growing at a normal rate and otherwise asymptomatic were studied. They were fed ad libitum and randomly assigned for three consecutive 8 day periods to either a commercially available soy infant formula (D) or to Formula (C) with HPRF + casein hydrolisate + Lys, Thr, and Tryp, or Formula (B) with HPRF + Lys and Thr. Five days in each period were used for adaptation to the formula and the following three days for metabolic balance studies. The three formulas promoted similar weight increments (37-47 gr/day and 7.3 - 7.7 gr/kg/day). Nitrogen balance and nitrogen retention were also similar for the HPRF's and the soy formula and the same was true for fat and energy absorption. HPRF based formulas are as good as commercially available soy infant formulas in promoting adequate weight gain, nitrogen retention, and fat and energy absorption in infants.

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