
Gampong Nusa is a tourist village located in Lhoknga District, Aceh Besar. This village has a creative business in the form of selling souvenirs such as bags, tissue boxes, knitting wallets and others. These products are made from waste that is managed directly by Gampong Nusa. In offering products that are sold, Gampong Nusa still uses the Offline method, so that in this way Gampong Nusa cannot cover many consumers. Due to this factor, an online shop is the solution. With the existence of an online store, it is expected to expand the sales network of Gampong Nusa and of course it can make it easier for consumers to obtain information about product specifications offered by Gampong Nusa without the need to come directly to the store. In this Online Store there are several main features, in addition to the product catalog information interface, there are also other features such as online payments using Payment Gateway services and being able to calculate shipping costs

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