
The role of SMEs in the economy of Indonesia is significant. However, the problems faced by the SMEs as less professional management often become an obstacle to the progress of the business. To solve these problems, we need an application that can help small business owners to help manage their business and can also be accessed by a variety of platforms. All these problems can be solved with the application SIKASIR. In order SIKASIR application can be accessed by multiple platforms, it takes a web service that resides on a server. Each application SIKASIR of various platforms to be connected to the service RESTful Web Service so interconnected and synchronized. However, there are some problems when making a multi-platform service, one of them is an authentication problem. In REST architecture, we need authentication methods that are stateless, one of which is a token-based authentication methods. On this occasion, this study will use JSON Web Token. JSON Web Token is the new industry standard based (RFC 7519). JSON Web Token is stateless, so it is suitable to be implemented on a RESTful Web Service application. In this research will be discussed how to implement authentication technique using token-based authentication method with a JSON Web Token, which will produce a secure authentication and make web service SIKASIR be multi-platform.

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