
We have developed an improved scheme of a three-qubit Toffoli gate based on fine structure state changing three-body Stark-tuned Rydberg interaction. This scheme is a substantial improvement of our previous proposal [I.I.Beterov et al., Physical Review A 98, 042704 (2018)]. Due to the use of a different type of three-body F\"orster resonance we substantially simplified the scheme of laser excitation and phase dynamics of collective three-body states. This type of F\"orster resonance exists only in systems with more than two atoms, while the two-body resonance is absent. We reduced the sensitivity of the gate fidelity to fluctuations of external electric field and eliminated the necessity to use external magnetic field for fine tuning of the resonant electric field value, compared to the previous scheme of Toffoli gate based on Rydberg atoms. A gate fidelity of >99% was demonstrated in the calculations.

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