
Let Tf be a Toeplitz operator on the Segal–Bargmann space or the standard weighted Bergman space over a bounded symmetric domain \({\Omega \subset {\bf C}^n}\) with possibly unbounded symbol f. Combining recent results in Bauer et al. (J. Funct. Anal. 259:57–78, 2010), Bauer et al. (J. reine angew. Math. doi:10.1515/crelle-2015-0016), Issa (Integr. Equ. Oper. Theory 70:569–582, 2011) we show that in the case of uniformly continuous symbols f with respect to the Euclidean metric on Cn and the Bergman metric on \({\Omega}\), respectively, the operator Tf is bounded if and only if f is bounded. Moreover, Tf is compact if and only if f vanishes at the boundary of \({\Omega.}\) This observation substantially extends a result in Coburn (Indiana Univ. Math. J. 23:433–439, 1973).

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