
South African listed companies (Johannesburg Stock Exchange, Industrial) have been following the example of British Companies since 1977 in the inclusion of a value-added statement in the annual report. An analysis of the statement of value added in the annual reports of 47 South African companies has shown that in respect of items like the title of the statement, the format, non-trading debits and credits, payroll costs, interest and dividends, taxation and retentions, a variety of practices are followed. The mere fact that information made available in the statement of value added is not standardized, complicates the task of interest groups such as shareholders, creditors, employees, financial analysts and others. This matter should receive the urgent attention of the Accounting Practices Board of the South African Institute of Chartered Accountants.


  • In the case of the 47 South African companies under review an analysis of the handling of depreciation shows the following:

  • It is not always possible to reconcile interest payments/financing costs in the statement of value added with corrssponding amounts appearing in the income statement and notes thereto

  • According to the nett method depreciation is included in the costs of bought-in materials and services, whereas it is indicated as a subsection of value added when the gross method is followed

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Die versameling van die data

Vir die doe! van die studie is die jaarverslae van maatskappye wat op die Johannesburgse Effektebeurs onder Nywerheid gelys word en waarvan die jaarverslae op 31 Oktober 1986 beskikbaar was, nagegaan. Van die studie is die jaarverslae van maatskappye wat op die Johannesburgse Effektebeurs onder Nywerheid gelys word en waarvan die jaarverslae op 31 Oktober 1986 beskikbaar was, nagegaan. Van die maatskappye waarvan die jaarverslae op 31 Oktober 1986 beskikbaar was, kon 47 gei'dentifiseer word wat wel 'n staat van toegevoegde waarde by die jaarverslag ingesluit het, of andersins inligting gepubliseer het waaruit afleidings in verband met toegevoegde waarde gemaak kan word. As grondslag vir die ontleding is die voorbeeld soos deur 'The Corporate Report' (1975: 50) aangehaal, gebruik. Daar is dus gepoog om die toegevoegde waarde in sewe standaardkomponente te verdeel, naamlik: - Werknemersvergoeding - Rente - Dividende - Belasting - Waardevermindering - Onuitgekeerde wins - Buite-aandeelhouersbelang. Laasgenoemde komponent is nie in die standaardvoorbeeld soos deur 'The Corporate Report' aangehaal, ingesluit nie

Begripsbepaling en die inhoud van die staat van toegevoegde waarde
To provide for maintenance and expansion of assets depreciation
Empiriese bevindings
Opskrif van die staat
Aanvullende grafiese voorstellings
Vergoeding aan werknemers
Vergoeding aan kapitaalverskaffers
Die Staat se aandeel
Belasting op wins plus aksynsregte plus verkoopsbelasting
Waardevermindering en onuitgekeerde winste
Brutometode word gevolg
Title of statement
Format of presentation
Remuneration of providers of capital
Gross method is followed
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Paper version not known

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