
In the Arctic Front region south of Jan Mayen, vertical profiles of Total Organic Carbon (TOC) and hydrographic variables were measured during 3weeks in June 2007. From time series of satellite-sensed chlorophyll, it was determined that the field studies took place in the aftermath of the culmination of the spring bloom, both on the Arctic (Icelandic Sea) and Atlantic (Norwegian Sea) sides of the Arctic Front. TOC in the upper 50m was on average 60.9±7.6μM C on the Arctic side and 62.3±6.8μM C on the Atlantic side. Average in situ fluorescence was higher on the Atlantic side. Annual primary production calculated from satellite imagery showed no enhancement at the Front. To place the Frontal measurements in a larger perspective, satellite imagery over the entire Nordic (Greenland–Icelandic–Norwegian) Seas between 1998 and 2012 were studied. They showed that north of Jan Mayen the spring blooms normally last longer and culminate later with a higher concentration of chlorophyll at the peak in the colder water on the west side of the Front than in the Norwegian Sea. In the year of our expedition, the maximal concentration of satellite-sensed chlorophyll at spring bloom was three times higher in the central Greenland Sea than in the Norwegian Sea. Along the Arctic Front the maximal concentration of satellite sensed chlorophyll was always lower than in the central basins both west and east of the Front. The ordinal date of maximal spring bloom concentration of chlorophyll was negatively correlated with the maximal spring bloom chlorophyll concentration in the Norwegian and Icelandic Seas, but uncorrelated in the Greenland Sea. Interannual variation of primary production and maximal chlorophyll concentration was larger in the Greenland Sea then in the Icelandic and Norwegian Seas and we hypothesize that some of this variation is influenced by difference in energy efficiency between phototrophs and heterotrophs at low temperatures.

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