
To explore the current role played by national dental associations (NDAs) in tobacco control and to assess relevant policy initiatives across OECD countries. A self-complete questionnaire survey. Chief Executive Officers of NDAs of OECD countries. A response rate of 74% was achieved. An overview of tobacco control policies from OECD member states was obtained. Half of the NDAs reported that they had a policy on tobacco control. Furthermore, a minority of OECD countries appear to have tobacco control guidelines that specifically include reference to the role of dental professionals. Dentists are able to prescribe nicotine replacement therapy (NRT) in less than a third of OECD member states. In a small number of OECD countries there was funding available to encourage dentists to become more actively involved in tobacco control activities. Undergraduate training focusing on tobacco control is not universally provided across all OECD countries. There is an urgent need to put tobacco control initiatives on the oral health policy agenda of NDAs across the OECD. A range of policy opportunities exist to facilitate greater involvement of the dental profession in tobacco control activities.

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