
This project is an interactive art installation which expresses on the argument of journey versus destination. It is an art installation which motivates the user to reflect on whether "life is about the journey, not the destination" or "life is about the destination, not the journey". User is given with a gyroscope enabled device to interact with the real physical maze game. By tilting the device, it will affect the rotation axis of the maze frame structure and hence the maze ball will start to move. After the user complete the maze game, visual will be generated based on the gyroscope data that the user controlled previously during the interaction with the maze game. The generative art is the visualization of the first person view of the maze ball or seeing the journey through the eyes of the ball. This interactive art contains the potential contribution in preserving the traditional game. Through retaining the interesting component of the game in real physical space while implement new interactive technology into it, it could actually provide a more engaging user experience.

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