
School leaders are a central factor of the quality of learning and teaching in schools. It is generally believed that the staff model their behaviour on leaders, which means if school leaders understand the physical school environment to be an important factor of learning, school staff (teachers and other professional staff) will also do so. To discover how school leadersassess the school environment as a factor of learning, 150 school leaders in primary education in Slovenia were invited to complete an online questionnaire. They were asked about their views regarding to what extent their school as physical environment encouraged certain factors. Fourteen listed factors were assessed on five-point numeric scales. The results showthat in their school environment, school leaders assessed ecology, movement, and respect the highest, and feelings, imagination, and space the lowest. Their estimates of the assessed factors differ depending on the type of school building (new, old, renovated) only on the factors of movement, creativity, and logic and mathematics in favour of old schools. The resultsprovide interesting information especially for school policy and everyone involved in the planning, building, or renewal of school premises.


  • School leaders have demanding and responsible roles, tasks, and responsibilities

  • No one rated ecology in her/his school 1, which indicates the school heads estimate the factor of ecology highly and dedicate the largest amount of attention in the environment to this theme

  • We have found that school heads perceive the physical school environment to be factors of learning in their schools

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Majda Cencič

Ravnatelji_ce imajo velik vpliv na kakovost učenja in poučevanja na svojih šolah. Splošno razširjeno je tudi mnenje, da delujejo kot model ali vzor za zaposlene in učenke_ce. Vodstvo ocenjuje fizično ali grajeno učno okolje kot pomemben dejavnik učenja, bodo učitelji_ce in učenke_ci tudi sprejele_i tak pogled na fizično učno okolje. Kako ravnatelji_ce ocenjujejo notranje in zunanje okolje svoje šole, smo ravnatelje_ice slovenskih osnovnih šol povabile_i k sodelovanju in izpolnitvi spletnega vprašalnika. Kako ocenjujejo fizično ali grajeno notranje in zunanje okolje svoje šole kot spodbujevalca nekaterih dejavnikov, ki smo jih oblikovale_i na osnovi Gardnerjeve teorije o več inteligencah. Ki smo jih dobile_i in jih zaradi nereprezentativnega vzorca ravnateljev_ic ne moremo posploševati, saj se je odzvalo le malo ravnateljev_ic iz novih šol, zato dajejo le neko grobo sliko pogleda ravnateljev_ic na nekatere dejavnike, ki jih spodbujata notranje in zunanje okolje šole, saj nas tudi okolje uči oz. Ključne besede: ravnatelji, osnovne šole, fizično učno okolje, učenje, Slovenija

Physical or built school environment as an additional learning factor
Data processing
Results and interpretations
Creativity Logic and mathematics Aesthetics
Biographical note
Full Text
Published version (Free)

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