
Author examines the actual problems that arise in practice in the qualification of robbery attacks, namely, the delimitation of a robbery attack from related offenses. The author places at the forefront the problem of delimiting a group armed robbery from banditry, due to the fact that in practice there are quite a few problems when delimiting these two trains and due to the fact that this problem remains relevant today. Based on the studied scientific materials, law enforcement and investigative practice, conclusions are drawn about the existence of problems of distinguishing between group armed robbery and banditry, a description and analysis of problematic issues is given, and information is given on how these problems are overcome by the law enforcement officer in practice, excerpts from the judicial practice of higher judicial authorities of the Russian Federation. The author cites the opinions of various experts in the field of criminal law on controversial issues, and also expresses his personal point of view on these problems and suggests ways to solve them.

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