
Currently, girls with urinary tract infection (UTI) have a high incidence of chronic vulvovaginitis. The aim : to study the state of the vaginal biotope in girls of preschool age with urinary tract infections. Patients and methods . A prospective controlled randomized study was conducted in 88 girls aged 3-6 years with UTI, of whom 1 group (n = 36) with rare UTI (no more than 3 times a year); group 2 (n = 32) - with frequent recurrences of UTI (more than 3 times a year). The control group consisted of 20 girls of similar age without a UTI in the anamnesis. Vaginal microbiocenosis was assessed by bacterioscopic, bacteriologically and by using quantitative polymerase chain reaction (PCR). Results. In patients with frequent recurrences of UTI, chronic vulvovaginitis was detected significantly more often than in rare relapses. In patients with frequent UTI with a vaginal smear microscopy, in all cases there was a leukocyte reaction (more than 15 leukocytes in the field of view). Leukocytes had a neutrophilic character. When crops were significantly more frequent than in the control and 1st group, the presence of Esherichia coli was noted. According to the results of quantitative PCR, a large number of facultative aerobes were noted with abundant growth (> 10 5 CFU / ml). Interferon effectiveness was pathogenetically justified in combined urogenital infections. Conclusion . UTIs make a significant contribution to the development of dysbiosis of the vaginal biotope in preschool girls in the form of the prevalence of gram-negative aerobic microflora. Correction of chronic vulvovaginitis in girls with UTI should be complex, improvement is achieved using interferon.

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