
The article reveals the theoretical aspects of the national, economic and financial security of Russia before the Great October Socialist Revolution, in the period from the formation of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR) to its collapse and in the period of the modern history of the Russian Federation. the author's position of the activation of the global geopolitical crisis and geo-economic crisis (caused by the creation of new geo-economic centers for the development of the world economy) is given, which is an objective reason for the redistribution of the world caused by the next phase of the reproductive crisis and the global financial crisis in the world economy. the role of finance in economic development and ensuring economic and financial security at different historical stages of Russia, the USSR and the Russian Federation is shown. It is concluded that in the conditions of the global monocentric model of the functioning of financial capital, led by the United States, the countries of the economic "periphery" are forced to bear losses due to the monopoly dictate of the world financial centers of emission (primarily the dollar and the euro). the reasons for the destruction of the USSR are formulated, the main of which is: the destruction of the country's national security system by the top leaders of the USSR, the Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic (RSFSR) and other union republics of the Soviet Union. the principled character of the Soviet leadership in conducting a sovereign, national monetary policy is shown. the creation by the global financial system of conditions for overproduction of two world fully unsecured currencies (the dollar and the euro) and the formation of the potential of the global financial crisis are argued.

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