
Problem setting. In Ukraine, police reform has introduced a fundamentally new direction for the development of policing in line with European standards and the implementation of European law, however, like any adaptation process, this step causes many problems and shortcomings, which are reflected in the practice of law enforcement, so there is a strong need to analyse the regulatory framework governing the activities of the National Police, to outline its major shortcomings and to suggest possible ways of improvement. Target of research. The purpose of the study is searching for deficiencies in the field of the current legislation regulating police activities in Ukraine, providing practical recommendations to improve the regulatory component in the functioning and administration of police bodies. Analysis of recent researches and publications. The following scientists analyse issues of organization of police activities, the nature and importance of regulatory support for the management of national police in their researches: K. Buhaichuk, S. Chyryk, V. Kryzhanovskaya, D. Overchenko and others. Article’s main body. One of the primary problems remains the low level of qualification of national police officers. Analysing the division of the police system into organizational and managerial level (consists and is implemented in the activities of leading subjects of national police) and the level of direct implementation (here is the activity of such entities as police inspectors, patrol officers), we note that the state of incompetence is clearly expressed at both of these levels. Another problem faced by national police bodies is their workload, primarily as an example of activities in the field of the permit system, where the police are vested with the authority concerning: – registration and issuance of appropriate permits, – keeping records of the permit system objects, – implementation of prevention of violations of the permit system, – interaction with public and state bodies, – conducting accounting statements, etc. In addition, the problem of interaction between police authorities remains quite relevant. The low level of interaction between national police units is explained by the existence of two categories of employees. The first category includes the so-called former police officers who passed the certification examination and took office in the national police, the second category – represents fundamentally different subjects, even those who have never connected their lives with law enforcement activities and entered the police, immediately after the adoption of the Law of Ukraine «On the National Police». Conclusions and prospects for the development. The main task of public administration of police activities is a well-established control system, since the police system is too loaded, devoid of transparency, there is a problem of incompetence of police personnel, due to the too soft requirements for acquiring a status of a police officer, urgently needed to introduce new mechanisms elimination of gaps and shortcomings in the legal support of law enforcement agencies, which should be based on foreign experience, which in practice is confirmed was the effectiveness of the existence of a police rule.

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