
The subject of this research is the problem of efficiency of disciplinary responsibility within the system of public service. The practice of implementation of the institution of disciplinary responsibility testifies to the fact that the indexes of calling public officials to a disciplinary account in the recent years remain at stable high level, which in turn requires clarification of the causes for such position and determination of ways to eliminate them. The goal of this study consists in the theoretical comprehension of the category of “efficiency” applicable to legal provision of disciplinary responsibility within the system of public service, as well as identification of the components of efficiency of disciplinary responsibility and criteria for assessing efficiency of this legal institution. Operating under the target concept of efficiency of legal responsibility, a conclusion is made that efficiency of disciplinary responsibility within the system of public service represents a legal category that reflects correlation between the result of disciplinary responsibility and its goals by achieving positive impact upon public service relations. It is determined that the components of efficiency of disciplinary responsibility within the system of public service are: efficiency of legal regulation and efficiency of law enforcement practice. The factors impacting the efficiency components include the following: legal consciousness, and legal culture of public servants, and subjects of disciplinary jurisdiction, as well as the state of service discipline within the government apparatus. Assessment of the efficiency of disciplinary responsibility of public servants should be based on criteria such as actual efficiency, substantiation, reasonableness, and usefulness.

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