
The new syllabi of mathematics recently accepted in our secondary schools, rightly determine the relationship between the inductive and deductive ways of introducing the geometrical material. At the eight-year school the inductive method will prevail: at the same time the school children will be acquainted with the logical structure of the course of geometry and will be prepared for the conscious assimilation of the deductive method much earlier and deeper if compared with the present syllabi. Already in the 6th form the concepts of mathematical statements (axiom, theorem and definition) will be introduced, the school children will be acquainted with the structure of the theorem, with four kinds of simple theorems and the relationship between them, and with proving by means of contradiction. The introduction of the material must be acceptable and appropriate for the schoolchildren's age. It is rather a difficult task for the teacher that requires high qualifications and sound knowledge of theory. The aim of the article is to help the teachers of mathematics with the presentation of this material. The material is put in the manner of conversation. That will be detailed notes of the lessons. The conversation is planned for more than one lesson, of course, and for this reason the material must be distributed with the selection of the most important parts for the given lesson. Four topics are dealt with in the above article, namely: l. The concepts of axioms, theorems and definitions; 2. The structure of theorems; 3. The kinds of simple theorems; 4. The ways of proving theorems by means of contradiction.


  • A TaK KaK MbI rrpocro He B cocTOHHHl1HarrpliMep, npe.n:Jio· LKeHHH: «ECJIH ,nBa yrJia paBHhr, TO OH!l BepTHKaJihHbl» 11JIH «ECJIH l.JIICJIO .n:eJIHTCH irn 5, TO OHO OKaHŲHBaeTCH HyJieM» He HBJIHIOTCH TeopeMaMH, TaK KaK OHH He. BepHbl, roBOpHT eiųe - OHH JIO:>KHbI.

  • CyiųecTBYIOT H TaKHe MaTeMaTHųecK11e (H He TOJibKO MaTeMaTJIIIeCKHe) rrpe.n:.10LKeHHH, OTHOCHTeJihHO KOTOpb!X Mbl He MOLKeM CKa3aTh HCTHHHbl OHH HJIH .'JO)!{­ HbI, TaK KaK .n:oKa3aTeJihCTBa HX eme He. HaH,lel, Hbl, XOT51 H HMe lOTC51 HeKOTOpbie OCHOBaHH51 yTBep2K)ĮaTb, ŲTO OHH BepHbl. TaKne y2Ke ccpopMyJIHpoBaHHhie npeJĮ­ Jio2KeHH51, HCTHHHOCTb KOTOpbIX erųe He ,n:oKa3aHa BO Bceii CBoefi: 06ll.(HOCTH, HO­.

  • Bo BCHKoli TeopeMe M02KHO BbI,n:eJIHTb o6neKT, OTHOCHTeJibHO KOTO.poro ŲTO-JIH60 yTBep2K,n:aeTC51 HJIII OTpHuaeTrn; .n:py­ fHMH CJIOBaMH - BO BCHKOH reopeMe yKa3hrnaeTCH Ha HaJIHŲHe mrn oTcyTcT­ BHe y paccMaTpHBaeMoro o6neKTa K:il­ Koro-JIH6o CBOHCTBa HJIH, roBOpHT, 11pH3HaKa (a, B03M02KHO, H HeCKOJibKHX CBOHCTB).

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A TaK KaK MbI rrpocro He B cocTOHHHl1

HarrpliMep, npe.n:Jio· LKeHHH: «ECJIH ,nBa yrJia paBHhr, TO OH!l BepTHKaJihHbl» 11JIH «ECJIH l.JIICJIO .n:eJIHTCH irn 5, TO OHO OKaHŲHBaeTCH HyJieM» He HBJIHIOTCH TeopeMaMH, TaK KaK OHH He. BepHbl, roBOpHT eiųe - OHH JIO:>KHbI. CyiųecTBYIOT H TaKHe MaTeMaTHųecK11e (H He TOJibKO MaTeMaTJIIIeCKHe) rrpe.n:.10LKeHHH, OTHOCHTeJihHO KOTOpb!X Mbl He MOLKeM CKa3aTh HCTHHHbl OHH HJIH .'JO)!{­ HbI, TaK KaK .n:oKa3aTeJihCTBa HX eme He. HaH,lel, Hbl, XOT51 H HMe lOTC51 HeKOTOpbie OCHOBaHH51 yTBep2K)ĮaTb, ŲTO OHH BepHbl. TaKne y2Ke ccpopMyJIHpoBaHHhie npeJĮ­ Jio2KeHH51, HCTHHHOCTb KOTOpbIX erųe He ,n:oKa3aHa BO Bceii CBoefi: 06ll.(HOCTH, HO­. Bo BCHKoli TeopeMe M02KHO BbI,n:eJIHTb o6neKT, OTHOCHTeJibHO KOTO.poro ŲTO-JIH60 yTBep2K,n:aeTC51 HJIII OTpHuaeTrn; .n:py­ fHMH CJIOBaMH - BO BCHKOH reopeMe yKa3hrnaeTCH Ha HaJIHŲHe mrn oTcyTcT­ BHe y paccMaTpHBaeMoro o6neKTa K:il­ Koro-JIH6o CBOHCTBa HJIH, roBOpHT, 11pH3HaKa (a, B03M02KHO, H HeCKOJibKHX CBOHCTB). N:y1rH paBHbI», 3aK.'IlOŲeHIIe: «TO paBHbl H COOTBeTCTBY!OIII.lle H 1 ueHTpaJibHbie yrJibI»

G Pedagogika ir psichologija
B TpeycoJtbHUKe npoTUB paBHbLX y2JtOB
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