
The article addresses a theoretical and legal description of the mechanism for combating gender discrimination in the field oflabor. It is focused on the fact that an effective, comprehensive, holistic mechanism for combating gender discrimination in Ukraine hasnot yet been developed. The article highlights the main approaches of scientists to understanding the mechanism of ensuring the principleof gender equality. For the purpose of identifying main elements of the mechanism of combating gender discrimination in the fieldof labor the main approaches to understanding the mechanism of combating gender discrimination in the field of labor has been substantiated.The main elements of the structure of this mechanism are characterized. The level of reflection of the main elements of themecha nism for combating gender discrimination in national legislation and international regulations are dealt has been researched into.The positions of scientists on the structural elements of the mechanism for combating gender discrimination in the field of labor havebeen addressed. There are generalized existing case studies, which are devoted to various aspects of improving the mechanism for combatinggender discrimination in the field of labor. The mechanism of combating gender discrimination in the field of labor is a complexphenomenon has been established.It is concluded that the mechanism for combating gender discrimination in the field of labor includes the following elements:1) regulations consisting of international standards for the prevention of gender discrimination and national legislation in the field ofanti-discrimination; 2) institutional component; 3) a system of legal means and instruments for the protection and restoration of violatedrights of victims; 4) a system of preventive tools; 5) an effective system of collecting and summarizing gender-based statistical information;6) monitoring system; 7) clear and effective procedure for bringing to justice for discriminatory acts.

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