
Purpose. To consider the study of the fate and behavior of active substances of plant protection products (AS PPP) in surface and groundwater in EU countries, the quality of surface and groundwater associated with the use of PPP in Ukraine and proposals for improving domestic monitoring of environmental and chemical status of surface and groundwater in Ukraine according to the EU regulations. Materials and Methods. The presence of AS PPP in water in Ukraine is regulated by various legislative acts, including the Law on Drinking Water and Drinking Water Supply, the Order of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine on Approval of State Sanitary Norms and Rules “Hygienic Requirements for Drinking Water for Human Consumption”, the Water Code of Ukraine, Ministers of Ukraine “Procedure for state water monitoring”, the Law of Ukraine “On ensuring the sanitary and epidemiological well-being of the population” and others. Most of these documents take into account the safety criteria and quality indicators of drinking, surface and groundwater established in the EU. The Water Code of Ukraine and the Procedure for State Water Monitoring also take into account the main provisions of the EU Water Framework Directive in the field of protection of surface and groundwater from pollution by hazardous substances, including PPP. However, it should be noted that these documents use terms that are not in the EU documents and which misinterpret the terms and concepts that have become entrenched in world environmental science, in particular in the field of protection of surface and groundwater from contamination by hazardous chemicals. The use of such terms undoubtedly complicates the intended use of Ukrainian documents. Conclusions. Proposals have been formulated on the inappropriateness of using in the legislative acts of Ukraine in the field of water policy some concepts and terms that does not meet EU requirements and have expired and are not used in Ukraine according to the Order of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine №94-r from 20.01.2016. When state registration in Ukraine of PPP of foreign production, which have passed the necessary tests in EU countries, in the dossier for the formulation registered and submitted by the Applicant, the values of predicted concentrations of DR PPE in soil, surface and groundwater and air must be given. characterize the risk to humans and non-target organisms. Key Words: active substances of plant protection products, surface waters, groundwater, environmental quality standards, predicted ecological concentrations of active substances of plant protection products, monitoring of ecological and chemical condition of surface and groundwater.

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