
The article deals with the methods of forming communicative skills of public defense of a diploma or anessay project (the second part of the presentation – answering the questions of the audience). The factors that are necessary for a successful presentation of foreign-language research papers written by foreign students have been determined. The types of questions that are specific for this type of speech interaction have been analyzed. Recommendations for the system of exercises aimed at the development of dialogical professionally-oriented communication, the basis of which is strict compliance with the standard norms of the official sphere of communication, have been developed. The necessity of foreign students of senior courses for public professional communication has been proved. It has been emphasized that observation of the standard norms by participants of speech interaction ensures standardization of the presentation procedure, which positively influences the result of protection. The author scientifically substantiates the importance of forming foreign students' abilities to provide feedback both verbal and non-verbal levels. The results of the study provide the opportunity to use the recommended methodology for improving the communicative competence of students in the process of studying the Ukrainian language as a foreign language. Recommendations can serve as the basis for the development of methodological guidelines for the defense of diploma and essay project, as well as for the creation of teaching aids that facilitate the formation and improvement of communicative skills that ensure the effectiveness of a presentation speech act.


  • У статті розглянуто методи формування комунікативних навичок і вмінь публічного захисту дипломної або курсової роботи

  • The article deals with the methods of forming communicative skills of public defense of a diploma or an essay project

  • The factors that are necessary for a successful presentation of foreign-language research papers written by foreign students have been determined

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У статті розглянуто методи формування комунікативних навичок і вмінь публічного захисту дипломної або курсової роботи (друга частина презентації – відповіді на запитання аудиторії). Мета статті – висвітлити основні стратегії мовленнєвої поведінки доповідача-інофона в діалогічному спілкуванні під час захисту самостійно виконаної науково-дослідної роботи (далі НДР).

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