
Purpose: to review and conduct analysis of approaches and tools for evaluating the effectiveness of information and communication campaigns for the purpose of effective planning and implementation of social marketing interventions for the creation of public health interventions.Materials and methods. Bibliosemantic method, methods of structural and logical analysis and generalization. The research materials are theoretical propositions, research results and methodological developments of foreign and domestic scientists in the field of public relations management and social advertising.Results. Presented an analysis of the evolution of approaches and tools for evaluating the effectiveness of information and communication campaigns in the field of entrepreneurial activity and similar experience in the field of public health protection and preservation. It is argued that the field of health care cannot completely calculate the methods of evaluating campaigns from business models, since the general goal of PR campaigns in public health is to reduce morbidity and prolong healthy life, unlike the business field, where the main thing is profit. However, some assessment principles may be the same.Conclusions. Against the background of significant achievements in the development and implementation of methods and systems for evaluating the effectiveness of PR campaigns in the field of entrepreneurship and business, there is an opportunity to use the best global practices of approaches to the development of simple and accessible, but effective tools for evaluating the effectiveness of information and communication campaigns in the field of health preservation and strengthening population.

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