
The subject of the study in the article is the phenomenon of cultural literacy of junior schoolchildren in the context of the educational process in secondary schools of the Republic of Belarus. The relevance of the investigated problem is due to significant changes in the education system, which implies the development of the student’s personality, which is not simply subject knowledge and skills, but by a whole complex of universal skills that make up new, or functional literacy. In the context of this literacy, our interest causes cultural literacy as the ownership of cultural and marked information, which is part of the ordinary consciousness of most national culture carriers. The purpose of this article is to disclose a possible approach to the process of forming cultural literacy of primary school students. To achieve the goal, a theoretical analysis of scientific literature was used, as well as a descriptive method, which allows to transmit the specific features of realities that are carriers of culturally significant information. The methodological basis was the cultural, anthropocentric and competence concept of education. The formation of cultural literacy of younger schoolchildren requires use in the educational process of adequate scientific and methodological support. As a base and tool, we offer a dictionary of cultural realities, which includes the optimal information on the student of primary classes the amount of information on the extralinguistic and linguistic signs of world and national culture. We consider the working notebook for the student and guidelines for the teacher to be the recommended accompanying elements of the dictionary. Such an educational and methodical complex will help to ensure not only the formation of cultural literacy as an element of functional literacy, but also the education of the student who has the qualities of a sincere patriot and a citizen of their country.

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