
The social media is gaining huge attention now days. Mobile marketing is a new concept having links with multi-channel, digital marketing strategy with a new aim of reaching a target audience on their smart phones, mobile devices, via websites, email, SMS and MMS, social media, and apps. Many people think that mobile is disrupting the way people engage with brands. The purpose of this research is to investigate the role and importance of mobile marketing, to theoretically define and understand the role and to propose a conceptual framework towards its utilisation in the wider strategic marketing context. Nowadays students use mobiles like anything and are very much used to it. They get all kind of information on it. They can easily find out, locate and search any relevant information before admissions. Mobile marketing is one of the latest direct marketing communication channels and gaining popularity among marketers, having huge benefits, both to the potential customers as well as businesses. So in this regards, the paper will help the investigators to understand its role and importance, the value of incorporating mobile marketing into the marketing mix, and especially direct marketing practices of business enterprises. The paper successively discusses the utilisation of various mobile marketing communication tools and ultimately develops a conceptual understanding among the end users and the readers.

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