
Sandhigatavata is described under vatavyadhi in all ayurvedic classical texts. Sandhigatavata is defined as a disease of sandhi (joint) with symptoms of joint pain, swelling in joints, pain during movement and in the later stage restricted movements of joints. In Allopathic science, the similar condition of joint is explained as osteoarthritis. Treatment provides symptomatic relief, but the underlying pathology remains unchecked due to the absence of effective drugs. In the management of Sandhigata Vata, all the Acharyas have described the employment of Bahya snehana, Swedana, Abhyantara Tikta snehapan Vasti treatment.
 In this study, a female patient aged 57 years was admitted to the ipd of panchakarma department with complaints of bilateral knee joint pain, crepitus, restricted movement, swelling and general weakness since three years. She was diagnosed as dhatukshaya janya sandhigata vata also known as nirupstambhit sandhigata vata sthansansharya at janu sandhi. Murchit til taila has vatashamak and vedanasthapan & balya property. Hence in this case murchit til tail was used in the patient for matra vasti, sarvang snehan swedan, as well as sthanik vasti for a period 15 days and the patient was assessed on bases of relief in symptoms at end of treatment. Significant result was found symptoms of sandhi shoola(b/l knee joint pain), sandhishotha(swelling in joints) vata purna druti sparsha (crepitus), Graha(restricted movement).


  • Treatment provides symptomatic relief, but the underlying pathology remains unchecked due to the absence of effective drugs

  • Murchit til taila has vatashamak and vedanasthapan & balya property. In this case murchit til tail was used in the patient for matra vasti, sarvang snehan swedan, as well as sthanik vasti for a period 15 days and the patient was assessed on bases of relief in symptoms at end of treatment

  • The disease Sandhigata Vata is more prone to be affected to knee joint because it is most frequently involved joint in daily routine work, weight bearing joint of the body, and more prone to develop in overweight patients

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No feeling of weakness in joints

Mild feeling of weakness in joints patient can stand/ walk independently without 1 difficulty. Moderate feeling of weakness in joints patient can stand/walk independently with 2 difficulty. The followings herbs, Haritaki bhibitaki amlaki musta lodhra manjistha ketakipushpa, kumari were taken in powdered form in equal quantity. Four parts of the til oil was taken. The oil was heated on a low flame till it started bubbling and continued till all the bubbles disapppear. After cooling the above powder and 16 parts decotion of same drugs were added. The entire mixture was heated on a low flame till all the water content in it is evaporated. Stanik upnaha of dasang + sunti × 2 days 4. Followed by ubhya janu vasti with murchit til oil × 10 days 5. Matra vasti of murchit til oil -60 ml

Ravidatta tripathi Charaka
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