
The present study was carried out with aim to study the effect of early zinc supplementation on growth of low birth weight infants — A randomised control trial in the Department of Paediatrics at Government Medical College and Hospital, to study effect of zinc supplementation on LBW infants. The registered subjects were then randomized into Intervention (Group I, Case) and Non-Intervention (Group II, control) groups using computer generated random number technique. Cases (Group I) were given zinc supplements Syrup Zinc acetate (Syp. Zinconia 5ml=20mg) 2mg/kg single dose in morning at 8 a.m. daily and multivitamins drops 10 drops per day (Vit.A 375 µg, Vit.B1-B6, Vit.D 5µg) for duration of 6 weeks and Controls (Group II) were given multivitamins drops (Vit.A 375 µg, Vit.B1-B6, Vit.D 5µg) 10 drops per day for duration of 6 weeks.There was no significant difference in cases and controls in respect to males and females. No significant difference (p value >0.05) in pattern of intrauterine growth in cases and controls.Fifty percent of our study subjects in both group were of weight more than 1400 grams.Zinc had significant effect on weight gain of pre-terms (AGA and SGA) and term AGA only at the end of 6 weeks. There was only significant effect on length in mean difference at 6 weeks when compared to at 48 hours. There was highly significant difference in supplement group (cases) in weight/length at 6 weeks with minimal or insignificant effect on chest circumference and head circumference.

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