
Activity of the radionuclides and the doses because of sharp intake of 1 Bq of a long lived radionuclide (133Ba) and a short lived radionuclide (99mTc) have been calculated based on the human alimentary tract model (HATM) through ingestion. Due to ingestion maximum radiation dose is deposited in the alimentary tract, which consists of seven tissue compartments, e.g., Oral Cavity (OC), Esophagus (OP), Stomach (ST), Small Intestine (SI), Left Colon (LC), Right Colon (RC) and Rectosigmoid Colon (RSC). The radiation dose deposited in 2 of the organs within the tract, e.g., ST, SI and 3 other organs outside of the tract, e.g., liver, right lung (RL) and left lung (LL) are considered. Tissue masses of alimentary tract for Bangladeshi people of different age groups were taken for the calculation. The age groups are such as new born, 1 yr, 10 yrs, adult male, adult female for the first type considering 2 organs and <20 yrs male, 21-40 yrs male, 41-60 yrs male, > 60 yrs male, <20 yrs female, 21-40 yrs female, 41-60 yrs female for the rest 3 organs. The time required to get an insignificant value of activity depends more on decay constant of the radionuclides than the rate constant of the organs. The activity values became insignificant approximately after 5 hrs, 8 hrs, 60 hrs and 90 hrs in ST, SI respectively for long lived radionuclide. These time values are relatively shorter for short lived radionuclide than those for other radionuclides.

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