
This study investigated the role of schematicprocessing of positive and negative information aboutsmoking in smokers (18), recent exsmokers (18),long-term exsmokers (18), and never-smokers (18) on a variety of cognitive tasks. On a schemareaction time task, smokers demonstrated facileprocessing of information positive to smoking, whereasnever-smokers and both exsmoker groups responded moreefficiently to information negative to smoking. All groupsincidentally recalled more negative than positivesmoking attributes, and more negative than positivesmoking idea units from a text. Only smokers remembered their performance on a task measuring breathingcapacity accurately 1 week later. The findings providedmixed support for the hypothesis that smokers differfrom ex- and never-smokers in their schematic processing of information about smoking.Implications for maintaining smoking abstinence arediscussed.

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