
The article is devoted to advertising discourse. Discourse is one of the most complex concepts in linguistics. Thus, discourse is a text immersed in a situation. In the study, advertising discourse is considered as “advertising text in combination with extralinguistic, sociocultural, psychological and other factors of advertising communication”. The main component of advertising discourse is speech impact. There are two main strategies: persuasion and suggestion. The article discusses advertising discourse in terms of active speech impact on the addressee - suggestion as well as main language means through which a certain influence in an advertising text. Suggestion is speech influence, in particular the influence exerted by the subject (advertiser) on the recipient (advertising consumer) using linguistic, paralinguistic and non-linguistic symbolic means. Suggestion is a complex of tools and techniques to influence on human psyche. The aim of the paper is to study a suggestive component using linguistic means that ensure the effectiveness of advertising discourse. The research focuses on studying language factors of suggestion in advertising discourse. To solve the tasks, the following research methods were used: theoretical - analysis of the related research papers of modern researchers; descriptive method; contextual and comparative analysis methods. The method of semantic analysis of stylistic techniques in advertising discourse revealed their degree of impact on the recipient. The paper underlines that during the realization of speech influence in advertising discourse hyperboles, metaphors, comparisons, personifications, ellipses and epithets are used. Moreover, metaphors are the dominant components of tropes in advertising discourse.

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